I am Eugene Chua, a Singaporean philosopher of physics and science. I am currently an assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University, where I will be working with a $1m SGD grant under the Nanyang Assistant Professorship scheme. Before that, I was postdoctoral faculty at Caltech, as the Ahmanson postdoctoral instructor in philosophy of science. Check out my APA Blog interview here.
I was also recently nominated to join the Governing Board of the newly founded Asian Philosophy of Science Association. There's lots of bricklaying to do but I am very excited to build a robust philosophy of science network in Asia for philosophers and scientists.
I completed my undergraduate studies with double first-class honours in philosophy at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, where I was trained in most areas of analytic philosophy. I then spent some time at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy as a Masters student, before obtaining my PhD at UCSD with my dissertation, "Classical Thermodynamics beyond the Classical Domain" (under the auspices of Craig Callender, Eddy Keming Chen, and Kerry McKenzie). For what it's worth, my Erdös number is 5.
When I am not doing philosophy, I can be found playing Magic: the Gathering, video games and board games, or skateboarding.