New and Upcoming
Mar 2025: Talk at &HPS 10. I'll be co-presenting a co-authored paper with Craig Callender (UCSD) at the &HPS Conference in Caltech, on the temperature concept in general relativity in relation to the Tolman effect.
Mar 2025: Talks in Hong Kong (Lingnan and HKUST). I'll be presenting a co-authored paper with Yichen Luo on the de-idealization of de-idealization, at Lingnan and HKUST in Hong Kong.
Feb 2025: Public lecture at NTU Centre for Contemporary Art. I will be giving a public lecture on the metaphysics of quantum mechanics, alongside artists ong kian peng and Boedi Widjaja. More information here:
Jan 2025: New publication. My paper, "Decoherence, Branching, and the Born Rule in a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse", co-authored with Eddy Keming Chen, has been accepted for publication at Synthese!
Jan 2025: New publication. My paper "Not Quite Killing It: Black Hole Evaporation, Global Energy, and De-Idealization", has been accepted for publication at the European Journal for Philosophy of Science! Preprint here.
Aug 2024: APSA. I was nominated as one of seven candidates to join the Governing Board of the new Asian Philosophy of Science Association. There's a lot to do to set things up, but I am very excited to develop a robust philosophy of science network in Asia!
July 2024: New writing. In June 2024, I was funded by Caltech's LCSPP to host a micro-incubator on the possible ethical risks of LLM-powered psychiatry, with Bosco Garcia (UCSD philosophy) and Harman Brah (UCLA/VA psychiatry). As part of the process, we wrote a short blog post for the Center here.
July 2024: New publication. My paper "The Time in Thermal Time" has been accepted for publication at the Journal for General Philosophy of Science, in a special issue on time in the foundations of physics. Preprint here.
Nov 2024: SUTD Symposium on Emerging Intelligence. I will be giving a talk at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, on my work on the ethical risks of LLM-powered psychiatry (joint work with Harman Brah and Bosco Garcia).
Nov 2024: Philosophy of Science Association Conference With Bixin Guo (Macalester) and Yichen Luo (UWO), I am organizing a symposium at the PSA in New Orleans titled "The Limits of Thermal Physics". I'll speak on "Putting Pressure Under Pressure", alongside John Norton, Roman Frigg, Charlotte Werndl, Bixin, and Yichen.
Nov 2024: Locality and the Many Worlds Interpretation Workshop I will present on joint work with Chip Sebens, "Fundamental Locality from Electromagnetism to Quantum Field Theory", at the Locality & the Many Worlds Interpretation workshop in New Orleans organized by Alyssa Ney.
Oct 2024: NUS Seminar Series. I will be giving a talk at NUS on my recent works in relativistic thermodynamics, and how it sheds light on debates about (i) the relationship between time and thermodynamics, (ii) the emergence of thermodynamics from fundamental physics, and (iii) symmetries and reality.
Jul 2024: Bosco Garcia (UCSD) will present our joint work (together with Harman Brah from UCLA Health), "LLM-powered Psychiatry, from Back to Front", at TeXneCON 2024 at Northeastern University in Boston. This work is sponsored by the Caltech Center for Science, Society, and Public Policy.
Jul 2024: I presented my work-in-progress, "Putting Pressure Under Pressure: On the Status of the Classical Pressure in Relativity", at the BSPS conference in York, UK (via Zoom).
Jun 2024: I gave a talk on my work-in-progress, "Putting Pressure Under Pressure: On the Status of the Classical Pressure in Relativity" at a workshop organized by Wayne Myrvold, at the University of Western Ontario.
Mar 2024: I gave a talk on "Decoherence, Branching, and the Born Rule in a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse" (w/ Eddy Keming Chen) at the Pacific APA's Philosophy of Physics Society meeting.
Feb 2024: I gave a talk on "Navigating the Ethical Frontiers of LLM-assisted psychiatry" at UC Irvine Health's Medicine & Technology research symposium at Ultra Fest 2024, together with Harman Singh Brah (UCSD Medicine) and Bosco Garcia (UCSD).
Dec 2023: I will be giving a talk on my work in progress, "Putting Pressure Under Pressure", at the Caltech Humanities Brown Bag Seminar series.
Nov 2023: I was invited to write a book review for Metascience on Benjamin Feintzeig's "The Classical-Quantum Correspondence", published here.
Aug 2023: I was featured in a short interview for the American Philosophical Association's blog here.
Jun 2023: My essay "The Time in Thermal Time" received the UCSD Philosophy Department's Best Graduate Student Essay prize!
2024-: I will be Nanyang Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The position comes with up to $1m in research startup money -- contact me if you are interested in collaborating!
Aug 2023- Aug 2024: I will be the Ahmanson postdoctoral instructor in Philosophy of Science at California Institute of Technology!
Sep 2023: I will be giving a talk "Is Time's Emergence Physically Coherent?" at the European Philosophy of Science Association meeting in Belgrade, Serbia.
Aug 2023: I will be giving a talk "Time's Emergence and Physical Coherence" at the Society for Metaphysics of Science conference in Halifax, Canada.
Jun-Aug 2023: I will be participating in the AI and Data Ethics summer institute at Northeastern University in Boston.
Jan 2023: My essay, 'T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity', is now forthcoming at Philosophy of Science.
April 2023: I presented a work-in-progress, 'A Thick Material Theory of Machine Learning', at the Nature of Bias conference at Claremont McKenna College in SoCal.
Jan 2023: I presented my paper 'The Time in Thermal Time', and also commented on a paper on the metaphysics of time, at the Eastern APA meeting in Montreal.
Nov 2022: My essay, 'T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity', won the 2022 Mary B. Hesse essay award for the best single-authored paper submitted by a graduate student as a contributed paper for the biennial Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) meeting and accepted for publication in Philosophy of Science by the PSA Program Committee.
Jul 2022: My essay, 'T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity', won the Robert K. Clifton memorial book prize for best paper in philosophy of physics at the 2022 Logic, Math, and Physics graduate conference held at University of Western Ontario.
Nov 2022: I gave a talk at the 2022 Philosophy of Science Association biennial meeting on my paper on relativistic temperature, "T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity"!
Nov 2022: I gave a talk at the Imre Lakatos Centenary Conference at the LSE, on my paper "Degeneration and Entropy", a Lakatosian critique of the extension of subjective information-theoretic notions into thermodynamic entropy.
Sep 2022: I gave a talk at the California Quantum Interpretation Network's 2022 meeting, on recent work with Eddy Keming Chen, "Branching and the Born Rule for a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse". (draft available upon request!)
Oct 2022: I gave an invited talk on my recent work on the thermal time hypothesis at the Foundations of Physics @ Harvard seminar series. (Draft available in link)